Internet Marketing

It’s no secret that the U.S. has been a leader in Internet marketing since its inception (and it also appeared there). More than 20 years have passed, and the states are still ahead of the planet. Each new trend of internet marketing and e-commerce, which we take up, comes from a country of great opportunities.
Yes, we’re not bad at templating working American strategies, using them to promote our unique products. But we simply can’t develop at the same speed. In addition to the obvious and global reasons on a national scale, it is worth mentioning that the U.S. market is fully formed and clearly divided into niche sections, within which the business is done, and our organization has small problems.
But we are not going to compare the two markets now, to praise the American market or to omit our own, because we have a lot of intelligent specialists who lead the country to progress. In this article we will consider 4 actual tendencies in Internet marketing, which came to us from behind a hill.
Video content
If you are an active user, you may have noticed that the video has been gaining momentum lately.
More and more cool companies like Adidas, Pandora, Emirates Airlines, make cool image and viral videos to attract customers, and more and more other companies around the world began to make video reviews, product presentations and even regular commercials. That’s because users like to watch videos.
What only costs one statistic:
- In 2017, 74% of all Internet traffic will be represented by video content
- The number of users who prefer video over text is 4 times higher, and 4 out of 5 consumers claim that videos show the work of a product or service much better.
- 84% of professional marketers created at least one video for one product in 2016, and 60% of them say they plan to increase the budget for video in 2017.
And now, a little bit about the most popular types of video content, which can be implemented by any company in Ukraine:
Roller presentation. Probably the most popular type of video in the network. The essence is simple: the company presents a product, service or innovation, telling about the features and advantages in the colors.
Teaching video. Here the video should teach its viewer something, whether it is the use of a gadget or a guide to survival on a deserted island. The main thing is that the user spent time and gained knowledge, otherwise – you just steal his time.
Image video. Such videos are designed to form a correct idea of the company. It should simultaneously sell, advertise and necessarily cause the right emotions. Such a video must be remembered and preferably repost in social networks.
Viral video. This type of video is worth a separate and particularly interesting. Not many companies dare to release a viral video, because it can create many contradictions. But that’s why it was invented.
The virus in this case should catch the viewer, who will share it on all their pages and throw it to friends (and that’s why it is viral). Some believe that this type of video content must contain elements of 18 + and be uberepatazhnymi. But we can’t recommend it to you because it depends.
Social videos. Here too, everything is simple, such videos reveal the essence of this or that social problem, call the audience for help or any other actions. If your company is engaged in solving complex social issues, this video will help to attract the public.
But in practice, the clear boundaries between the types of videos are erased and marketers combine several strategies to achieve maximum exhaust and get a lot of traffic and real customers from the video.
Marketing in Social Media
It’s time to finally get used to the fact that social networks have become something more than platforms for communication, reposting and posting photos. Social networks have taken an important place in internet marketing, and their importance is growing day by day.
Each user has at least one social profile to which they devote most of their free time. It is terrible to imagine, but 30% of the time online is devoted to social networks, which leads to about 5 years of scrolling in a lifetime. Amazing statistics, isn’t it?
It is because a person now consists of 50% likes, no self-respecting company has the right not to start an official page.
Creating a company profile on Facebook, you personalize the brand, get closer to your target audience. Quality SMM allows you to collect user data that will tell you about the age, location, preferences and many other factors and will help to create a working content. And this content will sell your product.
Yes, promotion in social media will spread information about your company. And even if you are not ready to devote a separate part of the budget to this, a reasonable smschik can run a sarafannoe radio and how to spin, if the product is good – it will be known for sure.
! There is another very important point. We are now writing about the universal action of SMM, citing American statistics and sources. But if your company is based on the post-Soviet space, do not rush to apply Western strategies. SMM is user-centric and we have different SMM strategies.

Portrait of the average user of the states and Ukraine differ significantly at least in the fact that we have not yet developed Facebook, many still prefer Vkontakte (rip), and about Google + in general silent.
So our marketers need not only to find their audience, but also to create different profiles, each of which will be developed a unique strategy. By the way, due to the latest news about the blocking of Russian social networks, many companies, whose audience was tightly tied to them, risk losing time and money, repositioning themselves on new ways of fast communication with clients.
We will believe that even this change will not break our SMMs and worthy companies will find ways to promote themselves in social networks.
Artificial Intelligence and Internet Marketing
U.S. companies are increasingly using AI as a link between the company and the user. And if earlier bots could only pop up in a window and offer small talk, now they are able to solve complex cases.
Since bots were designed to simulate human communication, their implementation should have saved human resources in the form of tens of employees and optimized the sales process and customer support.
And it does work, but very large companies that are ready to spend tens of thousands of dollars on bot development, training its specific discourse of clients, implementation and maintenance of its uninterrupted operation.
And it would be very good if it wasn’t so expensive. Nobody says that we are not able to do the same, but practice shows the opposite. The bot work process is so complex and complex that it is sometimes easier not to use it. And now we are talking not about money, but about professional skills.
Teaching human speech bota is very versatile, given that user requests are not based on specific keywords, but depend on the purpose, nationality, mood, the position of the stars and much more.
Even bots of cool companies are sometimes unable to understand the elementary news, as for example the CNN bot could not show the news on request “US”. What can we say about small and medium companies in Ukraine?
BUT! We do not lose the fuse. It is not necessary to program supercomplex bots, you can create simple chat rooms that will have several responsibilities such as answering a question, registering a client or discarding the news.
It is not a fact that such a bot will not make mistakes and the user will like it, but these moments already depend on the knowledge of the niche and the target audience.
That’s what a bot in a messenger can do:
- Help in making a purchase decision
- Processing of complaints and/or objections
- Providing information about the cost and availability of goods
- Information on receipts to the warehouse and delivery
- Feedback
- Promotions, discounts, give-aways
Want more advanced chatting functionality?
Voice Search on the Mobile Internet
Large search engines are interested in ensuring that users search for as much information as possible on the network. Do you remember the day when you didn’t ask Google a question? Here and we do not remember.
Given the rapid growth in the popularity of mobile devices, the search giants decided to simplify the search for information from the mobile phone and presented the world with a voice search. From the first time it seems that these are the next pontoons, not so important thing, but when you see the statistics, you will change your mind.
Already in 2014, the use of mobile devices and desktops became equivalent, moreover, mobile devices were ahead of the curve and are still more popular means of Internet communication. For example, 71% of users in the U.S. spend their time on the Internet from mobile phones, and in Ukraine 80% of users sit in social networks, and no less than 40% perform all other operations also from mobile devices.
Such popularity is connected with the way of life of a person. Most of the time we spend at work/university and have a phone or tablet with us, and when we come home, not everyone has the strength to turn on a fixed screen, so they also continue to use a small screen.
But Google’s search engines in particular have noticed that typing on the go is uncomfortable, moreover, sometimes even traumatic. Therefore, it was decided to introduce a voice search, which will facilitate the process of searching for information, creating routes, reminders, booking tickets, etc.
How can this help your business? It’s simple: you should be found by means of a voice search. To do this, you need to optimize the keywords of the site for more obvious variations. The point is that the user does not really think about how to say the request, and whatever it is, your site should appear on the issue page.
And here’s what we recommend to do to make your resource able to help the user in any situation:
- Use the following elements to create a semantic core: Answer The Public (for Google and Bing), Übersuggest (for Google) or Keyword Tool (for Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon and App Store)
- Register your company in Google My Business so that the windows with full information (picture, address, map, travel, contacts, reviews, rating, etc.) appear on the right or on the issue page
- Polish the microdata (Google Structured Data Markup Helper)
- ADAPTIATE THE SITE TO MOBILE EXHIBITION (and here’s the test label for that)
We hope that we have managed to motivate you at least a little bit for your achievements in the field of Internet marketing, which will lead our country to digital leadership!